Monday, January 2, 2023

LINDEN CARD(s) OF THE WEEK - New Year, More Cards

Happy New Year everyone. As we ring in 2023, I am more optimistic than ever. I'm excited to get back to work next week - learning, building, shaping, and hopefully inspiring. I feel as though my work/life balance is the best it's been in a very long time. I'm getting closer to having a home that feels like everything is "in its place" (it's been purge city during this holiday break). Lastly, I'm just thankful and grateful for being in this positive space.

A year ago, I made a promise to myself that 2022 would be a year of change. I look back and feel I have done a very good job of that. Some new personal habits, a change in jobs and a more focused mindset on what really is important to me. Today, I look ahead and think to myself that 2023 will be a year of opportunity for me. It's time to take the bull by the horns.

Sportscards have been a smaller part of my world in many ways this past year...but not a day goes by where I don't put some time into it. I may have not picked up as many items, gone to as many shows or made any headway with longterm goals...but I've still got the passion and enjoyment that the hobby has provided - I don't think that'll ever go away. I still get excited when I do an ebay search and find some Lindens that are on my wantlist...even if I decide not to bid on them.

I'm excited to start the new year with a mailday...some recent ebay pickups. I should also have a COMC order delivered to me before the end of the month. Always a nice springboard to a new calendar turn.

Three cards to share today - all from the same product and from the same seller.

2014/15 Leaf In The Game Used
#GU4P-02 Game Used Patch Quad Silver Prismatic  /3
featuring Brett Hull, Mats Naslund and Jeremy Roenick

When Leaf took over the In The Game products from Dr. Brian Price back in the early 2010's, I was very curious to see what kind of designs and releases would come forth. This ITGU offering was one of the first - and they packed in the Linden cards. Thirty-eight different cards added to the checklist.


It really was the start of a shifting mindset for me. I went from having my foot on the gas week-in, week-out to really paying attention to my pocketbook. I knew that if I was really going to enjoy this hobby, I would need to focus more on how much I could truly chase at any one time.

The beauty of that is it really reinforced the mindset of "this is not a race". These pickups show that. Almost a decade later and I'm happy to add them to the PC.

2014/15 Leaf In The Game Used
#GU3P-15 Game Used Patch Triple Silver  /15
featuring Brett Hull and Mike Modano

To see a handful of cards with low print runs show up all at once on ebay definitely perks the ears. Sadly, my first thought is still to the stolen Trevor Linden collection that (while progress is being made) still sees a number of rare birds not at their proper home. It's always a first check for me.

The second thought is "how much to I push down on that gas pedal?" as opportunities like these don't pop up near as often. Maybe it was the end of the year/holiday spending mindset, maybe it was the lack of Linden pickups this year...but I decided that I'd go for it.

It's always reassuring when you reach out to a seller and he responds quickly, and with a good, positive voice. Made the purchase even easier.

2014/15 Leaf In The Game Used
#GU3J-15 Game Used Jersey Triple Prismatic  /5
featuring Brett Hull and Mike Modano

The final card out of the three was a bit of a brain fart. Although clearly noted on my master checklist, my brain mistook this triple for the other triple Linden has with Lindros and Sakic on it. So I bought this one while already having a copy /5. Ouch. Darn massive checklist.

I've no clue what the connection is between any of the players depicted on the cards (some make sense, like Modano and even Roenick...but Hull??). Oh well, c'est la vie.

Minus the 1/1s, these pickups leave me with just 4 cards from this product to chase. That's pretty good. It may be another decade before I add any, but it's always nice when I do.

Making purchases that feel right in the moment and don't pinch the bank book too tightly really makes the journey a fun one.

I'm looking forward to the year and what will come for my collections.

All the best everyone.

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