Friday, May 31, 2024

LINDEN CARD OF THE WEEK - (Not Mine)...As Things Have Been A Bit Upside Down Lately

Hello again. I can't believe we are on the precipice of June...the true sign of summer. Or, 4 more weeks of Stanley Cup Playoffs. Ha!

Things have been very up and down for me lately. I just wrapped a month of heavy duty volunteer work and it was honestly one of the best few weeks of my year. If you ever are in need of an energy boost...go volunteer. Seriously.

On the flip side, work has been a rocky road for months now. Hopeful and optimistic that things will turn around in June, but as my colleague says..."we need a win". So bring on June!

June's a month I've been anticipating for a while. Tomorrow, my niece is tying the knot. I'm beaming. She has the unique power of making me feel both young and old - often at the same time. This is no different. I'm so incredibly excited for her as she enters this next chapter of her life.

OK...let's get to the Linden card. As I was out running some last minute errands this afternoon, I noticed a post on Twitter (yeah...I still call it that) that made me stop to do a standard player search.

President's Choice Trading Cards, the current work of Dr. Brian Price (of what was In The Game), puts out one-off cards and small sets featuring some high-end memorabilia pieces that are definite eye-catchers. I know for a fact that he has some Linden material as he's released some cards of Trev in the past. And a quick query confirmed a new addition to the wantlist.

2023/24 President's Choice
Jumbo Memorabilia  1/1

What can I say...this is a very nice jumbo piece. Maximum room for the patch piece and I love the fact that they even threw a photo of Trev (proper era) in the corner. Man, I'm a sucker for the orange and yellow of that classic skate logo.

Speaking of...let's take a closer look at the crest. Something about the card just didn't feel right.

Yup...that's what I thought. Do you see it?

My subconscious kicked into gear and left me feeling a little "upside down". just know.

No question that the patch was accidently placed in the card upside down. I can't see it being a purposeful decision. Unfortunate.

Now, to be fair, I think this would be a very easy mistake to make. The patch used doesn't really provide an obvious "this side up" vibe.

But when the card is being slapped with a $300us price tag...I don't think it's much to ask.

Regardless, at that price, it was out of my range (I've got my eye on another gem right now). I let another Linden collector know about it and within minutes, it was snatched up.

A great looking card, don't get me wrong, but one that I'm perfectly fine not having in my collection. I've got the scan of it and that'll sit nicely as a proxy. It's nice knowing too that it's going to sit in a Linden collection.

Now...on with the bigger business at hand. A definite weekend to remember. 😎

Have you ever come across a pc-potential card that gave you second thoughts because of an upside down patch? How bad is bad?

1 comment:

  1. A. Congratulations to your niece. Hope she enjoys her special day.

    B. As for the patch, it would only bug me if I spent BIG money on it. But since I'd never drop that much money on a patch card, it doesn't really matter.
