I like to dig. Search for stuff. Not just rely on the easy avenues for my Linden items. Don't get me wrong, ebay is helpful......very helpful with my player pc, but I like to branch out and look at what might lead me to new things.
Case in point, my latest Kijiji find.
And no, I do not mean my gorgeous Washington Capitals jersey. Take a moment to let it sink in.
I've actually scored twice now in less than a month.
I saw this item, locally, and can honestly say I've never seen one like it before. That alone had me intrigued.
It also had me skeptical.
But with the low asking price and relatively close proximity to where I was, I thought it was easy enough to check it out.
This Linden sketch is 11x14 and very nicely framed.
Upon closer look I could tell that the detail in it was quite good.
Sadly, it's not the original. There are some faint copy lines in a couple areas. But still, a solid piece.
Asking price was $20. I asked what he knew about it and was told that it was left over from his fiance's roommate when she moved out. Did she do the sketch? Is this something that has passed me by all these years? The unknown had me hesitate for a moment.
I tried to talk the seller down to $10....too many questions with no answers. He met me in the middle with $15.
Why not. It looks good, makes for an interesting conversation, and it made it into its own blog post.
One card remaining
10 hours ago
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