Over the past week I've thought a lot about the hobby. I've thought a lot about my collection. I've thought a lot about how much fun I am still having collecting hockey cards.
Part of that fun is appreciating what I have built to this point. From my Trevor Linden collection to my various goalie mask sets to my small side projects, I think I need to spend more time enjoying them.
That means more show & tells of stuff already in possession (as opposed to stuff that happens to arrive in the mail or at shows).
There's some great stuff that's never really seen the light of day. So why not rev up the scanner a little more and do something about it.
One project that has really helped showcase some of my collection is 'One Sheet, One Set'. I've amassed a few hundred sheets and yet only a handful have made it up on the blog.
Let's try and change that over the next year, eh?
I pulled this sheet out of the binder because it was a definite eye-catcher. It always makes me do a quick double-take.

2010/11 In The Game
Not your average, everyday card now is it?
This product (as you might have already guessed) pays homage to the players and builders that have become enshrined in the Hockey Hall Of Fame. That's a great subject for a product if you ask me. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been done before now.
I will be looking at just the base cards, but there are auto parallels, jersey cards, stick cards, complete jersey cards and all of them have a pretty limited print run.
Heck, the base cards themselves are numbered /175.
One of the first things you will notice with the base cards (other than the wide use of the color white) is that all of the headshots are artist renderings. Giving a very vintage/earthy/basic/special feel.
How's that for an explanation.

The artwork here is top notch. A gentleman by the name of
Paul Madden did the work. He has done a number of pieces for various releases and his efforts for Enshrined definitely garner points.
The use of more bland color gives an old-school feel to the pictures. Some really impressive cards. By taking a quick look at them, you wouldn't even know they were drawings.
Now....on to the rest of the card design.
....there are some circles and some text.
Thank you very much!
In keeping with the simplistic feel, the only design element is a pair of ovals that frame the picture. These ovals open slightly more at the bottom framing the player name and when they were inducted into the HOF.
While I like the font used on the player name, I am not a big fan of the style used on the 'Enshrined 19XX'. It's got a bit too much of an italicized feel to it.
The background of the picture is a dull grey which keeps in subtlety of the card front.

Simple on the front.....simple on the back.
It's all text, all the time. And I can't say I'm overly disappointed by it. I like the 'Keep It Simple Stupid' mantra.
Starting at the top, the player name appears - and for the life of me feels like it's not centered to the card. Is it just me? It looks like it is centered to the stats below. I don't like this.
The stats are very easy to read, simple in its information and give complete player stats. That said, I haven't seen the Gordie Howe card.
The one thing I would have liked is a listing of what team the player played for for each year.
The tidbit at the bottom of the card is nicely done. Simple, broad and accenting that which the player is best known for.
The 'stuff at the bottom' doesn't seem to be too distracting or out of place. Maybe it's all the words blending together.
Faintly in the background is a silhouette of players on the bench watching the play. A nice way to bring in another shade to the back of the card.
The stats as well have a gradient enclosure that is simple, but it works.
What doesn't work is the serial numbering in the bottom right. It messes up the centering of the entire card. I would have preferred ITG finding a way to have the serial number more along the bottom reading like the rest of the card back.
That said, I very much like the stamped font as opposed to the printed numbering. It just has always been something that I have preferred.
Lastly, do you see a card number anywhere? Neither do I. I think it should be mandatory that base cards have some sort of organizational numbering system printed on the back. How is one to organize? It's anarchy!
Overall, this 200 card base set is a wonderful appreciation to those who grace the 'Hallowed Hall'. If you want to learn about who's who....build this set.
But be warned, the cards don't come as cheap as most other base cards. I picked these eight up for a buck a piece and I felt I was getting a good deal.
It's thick card stock and limited print run are to blame for that.
For a card with a ton of white on it, it's actually going to get a favorable score from me.
3 out of 5