Friday, October 4, 2024

MY COLLECTION - Celebrating 15 Years Of A Blog Called "My Hockey Card Obsession"

It was 15 years ago to the day that I sat down in front of my computer to type the first blog post for My Hockey Card Obsession. I probably spent hours agonizing over the fine details - blog banner, colors, layout.....what the heck to say. That's just who I am, who I'll always be. But the idea of sharing my thoughts on a hobby I have loved for most of my life...just felt right. There were many reasons why I launched this blog back in 2009, and most are still pillars in what continues to be a wonderful hobby.

When I started this blog, it was a pre-social media world for me. I wasn't on Twitter, Instagram didn't exist (it was still a year away) and I never jumped on the Facebook bandwagon. My online world, hobby-wise, was eBay and chat forums (both of which are still a part of my current collecting environment). Blogging felt like an explosion of unique and personal hobby perspectives and stories. I was really drawn to it and felt I could do the same myself.

My Hockey Card Obsession was launched (as I stated in my very first post) because "I wanted there to be a place where I can share my thoughts on hockey cards and my collections" as well as "keeping me in check" on the numerous goals I wanted to achieve in this hobby. That second part was a big reason...I've always been a guy who starts a new project every other day it seems. :)

I've changed a lot...but many of those words I typed back in 2009 still ring true.

My main collection is and forever will be Trevor Linden. I have passionately chased his cards for close to 30 years. He is the staple of this blog and still a topic of conversation when I go to shows, stores and trade nights. To this day, I search eBay hourly for the latest Lindens to hit the open market. When I look back at my very first Trevor Linden post, it makes me realize just how much has happened over the past 15 years.

I've gone from about 900 Trevor Linden cards to just over 1,650 (as of a recent count). So 750 new additions over the past 15 years...that's 50 a year, or about one a week. Sounds about right when I look at how aggressive I was in chasing his cards for a while and how passive I currently am (just 5 Linden eBay purchases over the past 12 months). Trev has over 2,600 cards on my master player checklist, so I've got plenty to chase the rest of my lifetime.

Most of my new Linden card additions have a story attached to them...and I feel I've shared many on this blog. Memorable trips to shows or stores, fantastic trades or gifts from other Linden collectors, sometimes just a "right place, right time" moment that I was lucky to discover. I genuinely love the fact that I still find value and enjoyment out of tracking down a .25 cent common (or maybe it's a buck these days) that has eluded me. I hope that part of the hobby never changes for me...I don't think it will.

The past 15 years has seen me continue to build on some side projects that I've always found interesting. I've added some new ones...and I've seen some come to completion. There are collections that I've completely abandoned for one reason or another...and a couple that I might choose to resurrect one day.

Without question, the collection that has really brought a huge smile to my face has been my Oscar Gamble PC...or as I like to call it, Wallet Card. What started in 2015 as a simple act of reminding myself about the fun this hobby should always be has turned into a full blown player collection. Complete with a master checklist and (still) daily searches for cards.

I'm now up to over 140 unique Oscar Gamble cards (out of about 200)...but I am ever so passive about what I buy. I don't need to rush to finish things off. When I find a card that might be a little tougher to track down, I seriously consider it. If it's an easier chase...I tend to wait. Shipping from the States costs an arm and a leg so it's just not worth it most times.

My Oscar Gamble collection needs to always be fun, inexpensive and never a burden. I'm really pleased that I've been able to check off all those boxes for all these years.

The other project that has taken up the most closet space has been my goalie mask PC. There was a time when I was obsessed with masks...spending hours on end looking for photos of all the different goalie masks that has ever existed in the NHL. Finding articles and interviews about anyone sharing stories of NHL masks. That love spun off into collecting many of the mask-themed sets that have been released over the years. 

Dedicated sets from Pinnacle, In The Game, Leaf and Upper Deck has allowed me to build a really enjoyable tribute to the coolest piece of sporting equipment. While there hasn't been much in dedicated mask sets in almost a decade, I decided to take the leap into some of the mask sets from other leagues (KHL, Swedish Elite League and come Czech sets) and that has really bolstered my collection and the enjoyment these mask cards bring.

One of the few "did you know" items from my blog that I'll's a mask-related post that hold the distinction of being my most popular entry. A whopping 12,500 views! For some reason, April 30, 2013 was a special day for it as over 10,000 views alone were tallied. That's crazy!

To this day, I stop and smile when I see a close-up photo of a mask being used on a hockey card. I collect those too...but more in an unofficial capacity. 

I hope one day that a true, definitive, historical goalie mask set will be produced...but I don't hold my breath. I think the logistics involved are just too much of a hassle for companies to deal with. Some too for a once-and-for-all documentary series on the history of the mask. There's so many great stories and footage that exists. But it's a daunting endeavor.

In looking at some of my other early posts from my blog back in 2009, I couldn't help but notice my enjoyment for Custom Cards. Over the past 15 years, it's likely been one of the bigger rollercoaster rides I've had in my hobby world. It went from being a process of discovery to a leaping off point and now a aspect I enjoy from afar.

This Crosby was the first ever custom card I created (probably in the mid-2000' was for the ever-popular Beckett Boards' Custom Card Design contest). It was early in my online hobby life when I discovered custom card making. I use Photoshop in my professional world and so I decided to dabble. It was so fun to create all these designs that came from inside my brain. I started by making digital cards for myself, but graduated to printing and assembling customs for my own enjoyment. 

There have been a number of instances where I've had people reach out for my services and have always appreciated the gifts they have sent me in return. Heck, it's one of the reasons my Wallet Card exists. Some of my favourite custom creations include a stunning cut-auto golf set, a Beatles ticket stub from 1966, and an auto set from the 1954/55 Syracuse Nationals...

You'll have to forgive the (never before seen)'s from a 2013 e-mail attachment that I was shocked I could still find.

I haven't touched customs in a number of years. I think part of the reason is the massive oversaturation of custom cards that have not only popped up online, but have found their way to eBay, Esty and wherever people looking to make a quick buck can slap their "work". I don't like that all of these custom card makers ignore trademarks, copyrights and just personal property of others in order to make (at times very considerable) monetary gain. Does that make me a hypocrite? I don't know. But I don't put price tags on my work and I don't pump out customs like I'm printing money.

I do have one custom build that I'd like to see the finish line's a cut-auto Ken Dryden. I've had the signature for almost a decade - yikes. And I do have an idea of how I'd like to present it. So there's a chance that I might still come out of retirement. :)

After all I've blabbed about here in this post...and over the past 15 years, there's still plenty stashed in the closet. My Parkie Project (the lifetime build), HHOF autos, and some Cup Raisers all find some pockets of time and attention, but there also a few parts of my hobby that don't get much blog effort...

I'm still a real sucker for a great looking photo on a hockey card. Be it a unique angle or rarely seen spot on the ice (or off the ice). I always keep an eye out for something that has me do a double take. And I get a big jolt of adrenaline when I see an artifact from my collecting youth. This card locker still has me smile every single time I gaze at it. 

My One Sheet, One Set adventure was dismantled a few years back. It was taking up too much space for the level of appreciation that I had for the project. So too, the 1 vs 100 build.'s just time. Scribbles And Scribes was fun...and the Who Am I? posts. But they fell off quickly as I found less time (and enthusiasm) to post about cards that never really lived in my collection. I love cool and incredible stats or stories that come from the world of pro hockey and I think the Did You Know posts struck a positive chord with me. My fave includes Canuck legend Ron Sedlbauer. I really should do more of these...they're super fun.

At the end of the day, there really isn't a shortage of topics for me to blog about. When I go to hobby shops or shows or trade nights, I can blab about cards like the best of them. It's finding the time and importance (in my eyes) of what I am sharing. I've always said that this blog is for me first and foremost, I don't want to type stuff just for the sake of typing.

I've slowed down considerably from my 3-4 posts a week and am now happy if I get something out there each month. There are ebbs and flows, sparks of inspiration and times where I just need some quiet from the hobby. I know that this blog will continue to be here for me when I want it.

Lastly, goals. I talked about it in my very first post and in many ways, I've been very pleased with how my collecting evolution has occurred. I've grown as a hobbyist. I'm patient, I've learned from mistakes and I'm in no rush for anything. I don't envy people looking to get into card collecting these days with all of the "massive this" and "expensive that". It can be overwhelming. My goal is to keep things affordable and enjoyable. It really is as simple as that.

Specific goals?.....I don't have any that I attach to any projects. I think I'm past the point of trying to be aggressive with any pursuits in my collecting. But I do have some "bigger picture" things I'd still like to achieve. 

I'd still like to take a "family photo" of all my Linden cards. I can only imagine the day's worth of events to lay out the hundreds and hundreds of cards and then have to find the height to snap a pic. What a story that would be. 

I'd like to finish some of the custom cards that I've let slip for so many years. I get inspired by a lot of cool stuff out there only to turn and start feeling guilty for all the little projects I've let fall by the wayside. I know I can't do everything and I've come to accept that...but I do wish to put more time into some custom building again - it's a fun workout.

Maybe a website to truly catalog and share all of my Linden cards. That one would take a serious time commitment. I'd need to really make sure that the spark is strong when it hits.

I'd like to write a book. I don't know what about...but I love the idea of story and I feel like I could bring a topic floating in my brain to life in a more longform way.

I snicker a bit as I look at the above 3-4 "goals" that I'd still like to achieve. They're very much the same ones I've been imagining for years. Something else that 15 years of blogging has given me is a sense of time. In another 15 years from now...I'm in retirement. If I really want to achieve some of these dreams (because really...that's what they are), then I do need to start putting one foot in front of the other on them.

Finally, I want to keep doing good things. This hobby is filled with great people and they inspire me and motivate me. Positivity rubs off real easy and I want to continue to find it - in my hobby world and outside it. I am a big believer that if you do good things...good things will happen. 

Here's to 15 more years!! If you've read this to the end...much thanks. I appreciate your time.

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