Sunday, July 14, 2024

MY COLLECTION - The Sports Card Live Podcast - Episode #233...It's Me!

It was a hobby first for me last night. I was a guest on the Sports Card Live podcast...and had an absolute blast sharing my hobby story and showing off some of my collection. 

For those who know my know I love telling stories - it's a major part of what I love about my collection and pieces within it. But I rarely hop in front of a camera to chat cards. For many years, I've been an introvert with card collecting - something I didn't really share with non-hobby people I knew. This blog has really helped and allowed me to bring an enjoyment that maybe has connected more with some of those friends, family and co-workers. I'm much more comfy with it. :)

I've known the show's host, Jeremy, for decades and have always enjoyed his enthusiasm, knowledge and just overall passion for a positive hobby landscape. He knows a lot of industry people in this sportscard world and his genuine curiosity is something I am drawn to. He's a person I have a ton of respect for and was excited when he asked me to be on his show.

And yes, this episode is 2 hours in length...but no joke, I could've talked for another couple hours. It was so extremely fun. You can actually see the times when Jeremy has to reel me in because I just get so into it. Ha! 

If you have the time, check it out.

I share a few early items from my collecting story, "Wallet Card" Oscar Gamble makes an appearance, some inexpensive side projects are discussed and (of course) plenty of Linden talk. 

Near the end of the episode, I got a chance to share my thoughts about a number of other Linden collectors who have been so very instrumental to my hobby world and I just want to give them a shout out on this blog as well. I can't overstate how lucky I am to have had (and with some, still have) such a positive rapport with them. My collection and my collecting mindset wouldn't be what it is without them.

Kevin, Victor, Elliot...huge thank you. Your positive presence, selflessness and example is something I try to bring forward constantly when I hobby. I'm grateful for the longstanding relationship we have built. Brad, James, Gary...cheers've made such a positive impact on my collection...and more importantly, my enjoyment and experiences that are a part of it. To all others who I have crossed paths with over the years...I valued our connection of Trevor Linden collecting.

Lastly, to Ian (who I unfortunately forgot to shout out by name in the episode), a guy who I'm connected with in this Linden collecting world probably more so than any other - just a genuine Thank You! Ian is the person who had a major part of his Linden collection stolen years ago and I am so grateful that the stars aligned and I was able to help recover some major pieces of said collection. I enjoy talking cards with you and look forward to the next time we do so.

I say it in the episode...I'm very lucky to have such an awesome Linden collecting ecosystem.

And to all the other hobby bloggers I've crossed paths with over the years - cheers to you all. My hobby is more complete because of this outlet and the people I've met from it. From player collectors like Paul to the guy who brought the birth of my Wallet Card (and my Oscar Gamble collection), Casey, big thanks.

This podcast episode has given me a jolt to tell more of my hobby stories. Geez...if only I had a blog to share it on. :)

Have a great day!


  1. It was really cool to see this episode! Your approach to the hobby is excellent, love the enthusiasm and positivity!

    I think I've said this before, but your blog here is what inspired me to start mine what seems like forever ago now. Even if blogging is somewhat outdated now, I still think it's a great format for this type of hobby.

    I'd like to be more active with mine, but just haven't had the time the last coupe of years with life getting in the way.

    Keep up the great work! Looking forward to more great Linden content!

    1. Hey Paul. Thanks very much for the kind words. Greatly appreciated. I too feel that this is a great way to share hobby thoughts and new additions or ideas. I've always had fun with this outlet. I know EXACTLY how you feel about life getting in the way. Ha. But I've learned that this blog will be there when I want to say something. And these days, I think about how cool this will be for people to check out years down the road (even myself). It's a great journal to look back on. Thanks again. Hope you are doing well.
