Friday, July 26, 2024

LINDEN CARD OF THE WEEK - Almost 30 Years And I've Never Seen This Card

My latest Linden card that came in the mail today represents everything I love about this hobby and where I'm at with it in my journey.

I've been a player collector for around 30 years - same guy throughout - and I'm holding on to a card right now that I've never seen, nor did I know even existed. This card is likely an afterthought for most of the modern day hobbyists, but for me is a true reminder that patience and the continuous search for any new possibilities is something to keep at the forefront. I cannot believe I have it and I have a huge smile on my face at the excitement of it. Lastly, for a measly dollar...that's right, a buck, I found what is probably going to be my favourite Linden card of the year. 

To pay the ridiculous eBay shipping cost to Canada...on this card, gladly.

So let's get straight to the reveal and then we can break it down. Because I have questions. :)

1997/98 Donruss Canadian Ice
#32 Provincial Series Player's Club

Doesn't look like much, eh? It's a nice, foily card from the mid-90's. What's the big deal?

I'll get to the 'Player's Club' aspect of it soon. But first, let's just talk about the Provincial Series set.

So on my master checklist (which I have been crafting and building and revising and adding to for decades) this card has had the designation **MIGHT NOT EXIST** by it. I can't even remember why I initially added that note (it's been so long). But I can say that for a card that should have 750 copies...I've never seen a single one. Ever.

This is part of the 1997/98 Donruss Canadian Ice set. It's got the regular, dare I say "junk wax" era base card, a Dominion Series parallel that is red and then a Provincial Series parallel /750. There is also a Dominion Series Gold...but I don't know if Linden has one of those either (I doubt it).

In a quick online search this afternoon, I was easily able to find a picture of all other cards in the Provincial Series set (150 cards)...except Linden. So why was he not included?

It is what it is...I'm fine not having a copy if it doesn't exist, but it just makes me wonder.

So you can imagine my double take when I saw the above copy surface. I knew I needed it. But was completely baffled at what I was seeing.

Especially when I saw the back. That 'Player's Club' stamp at the bottom of the card had me scratching my head even more.

This is definitely not part of the 150-card Provincial Series set. It's a promo card of sorts...and how many copies exist? I've no clue.

But this was the easiest, and luckiest, purchase I've made in years. I still can't believe it popped up on eBay for just a dollar.

So let's take a closer look at the 'Player's Club' stamp...because it is not unique to my Linden collection.

I've seen this particular stamp before...and even have another card with it.

That said, the origins of this 'Player's Club' and where it has been used is something I've got no information on.

And there doesn't seem to be much online on the topic either.

Here's the other card I have. It's from the same year, but it's the Pinnacle Totally Certified Platinum Blue offering.

Did Donruss and Pinnacle have a connection in the mid-90's? I honestly don't know.

But as you can see, the stamp is identical. Same font and everything. 

On this card, it's stamped directly on the back of the card. With the Provincial Series's got a surface that the lettering was applied to (you can see the top and bottom of it in the photo if you go back and look). Kind of like a super-thin piece of tape.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if I solve these unknowns. I just love the fact that I've found a new card for my master list - and was able to obtain it for a super-cheap price.

A goosebump moment for sure. Something that will never grow old...made me feel like a kid today.

Have you ever unearthed a unknown for your player collection (or any collection for that matter)? How old was that discovery? How did you feel when you learned of the card?

Monday, July 22, 2024


Quick show & tell post to wrap up my card show finds from last April. Ha ha...I gotta laugh at myself for that sentence.

So, same table as the Hamilton Canucks pamphlet I shared a few days ago. Digging away, and once again I caught a fleeting image of a Cooper helmet and the number 16. Stop.....Rewind.

Again, I managed to unearth something that my eyes have never seen before...

This is the Canucks program from the opening game of the 1991/92 season. I have a few other gameday magazines in my collection...but it's not something I go all-in to chase (when I find one, I consider it). This particular edition...I considered.

So, does anyone know the significance of October 4th, 1991?

It was the very first regular season game in San Jose Sharks history. They just happened to play the Canucks in Vancouver. I had no idea that they put Linden on the cover. In all my years I've never even seen a copy of this program (not that I was actively looking). But this find had me interested.

Unlike the pamphlet, it was priced with the "importance of the event" in mind ( wasn't $4). It was a heck of a lot more...$30. Did I need this program? Not a chance. It's not on my master list and I don't consider it a "must have" in terms of my collection. Would I like to have it? You bet. But it's got to be for the right price.

I knew I wouldn't be able to talk the price down too much. "It's a significant event." Sure...but it's also been sitting in a box for who knows how long without being sold. I decided to bundle it with the pamphlet and was pretty sure I'd get the seller to bite. In fact, I dug around to find an additional item to pull the favor my way just a little bit more. It was another pamphlet...a WHA offering...with a slick looking goalie mask on the cover. I'll share that one down the road.

The vendor tried to counter, but I was firm on my offer. I told him that the Linden pamphlet was guaranteed to come home with me...but the program was one I'd be happy to put back and walk away. I think he realized that it was a take it or leave it situation. He took it.

So it's another cool item for the Linden collection. One that I've never come across until this year. It seems to be a trend. Fingers crossed, but I've got a couple cards on their way that has me extremely excited. Cardboard that is 25...30 years old and has completely eluded me all these years (in both instances...I just found out they existed).

Stay tuned.

Oh, Vancouver won 4-3. First goal in San Jose Sharks history?....Craig Coxe (never would've guessed that one).

Do you have any significant, dated items in your player collection? Something that commemorates an event or special date? Was it a "must have" for your collection?

Friday, July 19, 2024

LINDEN.... PAMPHLET?? OF THE WEEK - Truly One Of The Most Unique Items I've Come Across

Chatting with a hobby friend the other day, he jokingly (but with a small bit of true curiosity) blurted out "You've probably seen it all by now, haven't you?" It made me of those slow, reflective, Cheshire cat-type grins. I've learned that no matter how long you stroll through a garden, if you keep your eyes open, pay attention and allow unlikely possibilities to appear...they sometimes will.

Believe it or not, it's happened a few times this year...and I'm a decades-long player collector.

I'll take you back to the spring card show here in, April. It's a semi-annual bonanza that I really look forward to and enjoy. A lot of local guys are there to sell but it's also a chance to get some out-of-towners setting up a few tables. I quite like it when my window shopping has some new and exciting displays.

I met up with a longtime friend who dug out some of his collection from the 80's and 90's and decided to do some research on them. Why am I telling you this? He's responsible for leading me to the table where I found this item - literally as I was wrapping up my day and ready to leave.

I had found nothing Linden-related on any of the tables at that show. It's a hit-or-miss situation with me and local shows these days. Not many Lindens to chase the last couple seasons. So I wasn't too shocked to be shut out. But this final table not only saved the day, but provided an item I had never seen...and it likely goes down as one of the most unique in my collection.

The vendor had a lot of non-card items...programs, photos, ticket stubs, knick knacks, that sort of thing. I had passed by his table a couple times during the day but nothing really drew me in. My buddy was checking a couple things out so I decided to dig through some of the side boxes - mostly to kill time.

I flipped through a box of programs, magazines and other flat items and caught a glimpse of a player I knew all too well. Linden's look in the early 90's...the posture, the Cooper helmet and the captain's C had me stop and confirm. Yup, it was Trev.

And what I pulled out had me wide-eyed.'s a Hamilton Canucks info pamphlet. I shook my head and started my detective work. Why Hamilton? Why Trev? This makes no sense.

So this item is a season ticket and information pamphlet for the (at the time) newly formed Hamilton Canucks. They were the AHL (American Hockey League) farm team for the Vancouver squad from 1992 to 1994 (a very small window). The challenge at the time...they had no players, so they had no photos to entice and inspire their potential fanbase in Hamilton as they were entering the market.

Enter, Trevor Linden. The team decided to put the captain of the parent squad on the front of the foldout. He had never played in the AHL, he went straight to the big leagues, but it made sense for him to be the poster boy. If you're going to promote a new team, why not start with a player like Trev. 

It's just extremely odd to see him associated with a Hamilton Canucks banner. It still looks weird when I look at it all these months later. A very cool weird though. I mean come on...that is one killer looking photo of Linden. I love that intense stare. And that time period is my absolute fave for Linden pics.

The price was even nicer. I'm sure most people would shake their head at a $4 tag for a 30-year-old pamphlet of a now defunct AHL team, but that was an outstanding price in my eyes. I knew it would be coming home with me. Another fantastic day at the card show.

But stay tuned...this wasn't the only fun Linden item I found at that table. :)

Lesson learned. Always take the time to stop and look. You never know what you might come across.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

LINDEN CARD(s) OF THE WEEK - Nothing Like A Little Synergy

While I might not be chasing as many Linden cards as I once did, I still find myself popping into the nearby local card store to see how things are, talk a little shop and hope that maybe someone has tracked something down for me.

Today, I was fortunate to have a couple cards waiting when I arrived. It's one of the many things I love about being a longtime Trevor Linden collector - people know...and keep an eye out.

This time, it was the shop owner who had a couple of new cards for me. He had opened some of the recently released Upper Deck Synergy - a product that has a couple of new Lindens to add (plus their "all too common these days" parallels). It's a modest 6 cards added to the list as a result of this release and only one low-numbered chase (numbered to just 25 copies). This is the kind of layout that is exactly what I enjoy. A bit of a chase without breaking the bank.

2023/24 Upper Deck Synergy
#SD-13 Synergistic Duos Star-Legend Green  /399

I'll admit, this was a weird looking card when I first laid my eyes on it. Not because of the design (which I quite like) and not because it's shiny (I'm really taken by the foil effect this card has...looks great in person). No, what threw me was the pairing of Linden and current Canucks star Elias Pettersson. Makes me feel old. Ha ha. 

I didn't feel this way with Naslund, the Sedins or even Horvat, but pairing him up with Pettersson just makes me think about how long it's really been since Trev's last game (over 16 years now). It feels like just a few seasons ago. Time flies.

As mentioned, I really like the looks of this particular card. The green parallel color definitely adds some punch. I don't know if I'll say the same about the base, gold or red copies. And with it numbered out of 399, it's the second rarest of the lot (only the gold /149 is the tougher chase). Very nice.

Love adding this one to the master collection. This next card...not my fave.

2023/24 Upper Deck Synergy
#LD-23 Fearless Leaders

I like the idea of this card, I don't mind the layout...but I hate the font choice and the quote. It just doesn't grab me the way the other card does. It feels a little dated in the look and the words just don't really inspire (sounds generic). I think that's where I'm have a tough time. The layout, modern look of the image, logos and player name all work. It's just those hokey letters used for the insert set name and quote...I can't get past it.

Oh well...I'm not going to complain too much. After all, these cards were gifted to me and I'm very grateful to add them. It'll be fun to look back at these years down the road. Maybe I won't feel quite the same as I do now.

Something else that I took note of as I was crossing these off my master list. We are near the end of the 2023/24 season for product releases (Upper Deck is still a little behind) and Trev only has 20 cards in total to chase (and 6 of them are digital cards from Topps Skate!). That's down from 29 the year before. 

Well less than 50 unique Trevor Linden cards over the past two years have been pushed out into the hobby. That's not a lot. It takes me back to the 2009/10 season when he had just a single card (a sticker actually, from Panini, before they dove into the deep end of hockey card production and provided a rebirth of sorts to my Linden pc).

I wonder if a time will come where Trev is completely ignored in products. I have to think so. He was never a superstar...more of an all-timer for the team. Is that enough to have him show up in products? How many? How often? Something I thought of today...something I haven't thought of for a very long time.

As a player collector, it is one of the only times where I am at the mercy of the will dictate what happens. I have no control over it.

Any player collectors out there that have seen a sharp decline (or complete removal) of their player from current product releases? Was it sudden?...or eventual? Have you come to grips with it?

Sunday, July 14, 2024

MY COLLECTION - The Sports Card Live Podcast - Episode #233...It's Me!

It was a hobby first for me last night. I was a guest on the Sports Card Live podcast...and had an absolute blast sharing my hobby story and showing off some of my collection. 

For those who know my know I love telling stories - it's a major part of what I love about my collection and pieces within it. But I rarely hop in front of a camera to chat cards. For many years, I've been an introvert with card collecting - something I didn't really share with non-hobby people I knew. This blog has really helped and allowed me to bring an enjoyment that maybe has connected more with some of those friends, family and co-workers. I'm much more comfy with it. :)

I've known the show's host, Jeremy, for decades and have always enjoyed his enthusiasm, knowledge and just overall passion for a positive hobby landscape. He knows a lot of industry people in this sportscard world and his genuine curiosity is something I am drawn to. He's a person I have a ton of respect for and was excited when he asked me to be on his show.

And yes, this episode is 2 hours in length...but no joke, I could've talked for another couple hours. It was so extremely fun. You can actually see the times when Jeremy has to reel me in because I just get so into it. Ha! 

If you have the time, check it out.

I share a few early items from my collecting story, "Wallet Card" Oscar Gamble makes an appearance, some inexpensive side projects are discussed and (of course) plenty of Linden talk. 

Near the end of the episode, I got a chance to share my thoughts about a number of other Linden collectors who have been so very instrumental to my hobby world and I just want to give them a shout out on this blog as well. I can't overstate how lucky I am to have had (and with some, still have) such a positive rapport with them. My collection and my collecting mindset wouldn't be what it is without them.

Kevin, Victor, Elliot...huge thank you. Your positive presence, selflessness and example is something I try to bring forward constantly when I hobby. I'm grateful for the longstanding relationship we have built. Brad, James, Gary...cheers've made such a positive impact on my collection...and more importantly, my enjoyment and experiences that are a part of it. To all others who I have crossed paths with over the years...I valued our connection of Trevor Linden collecting.

Lastly, to Ian (who I unfortunately forgot to shout out by name in the episode), a guy who I'm connected with in this Linden collecting world probably more so than any other - just a genuine Thank You! Ian is the person who had a major part of his Linden collection stolen years ago and I am so grateful that the stars aligned and I was able to help recover some major pieces of said collection. I enjoy talking cards with you and look forward to the next time we do so.

I say it in the episode...I'm very lucky to have such an awesome Linden collecting ecosystem.

And to all the other hobby bloggers I've crossed paths with over the years - cheers to you all. My hobby is more complete because of this outlet and the people I've met from it. From player collectors like Paul to the guy who brought the birth of my Wallet Card (and my Oscar Gamble collection), Casey, big thanks.

This podcast episode has given me a jolt to tell more of my hobby stories. Geez...if only I had a blog to share it on. :)

Have a great day!

Friday, May 31, 2024

LINDEN CARD OF THE WEEK - (Not Mine)...As Things Have Been A Bit Upside Down Lately

Hello again. I can't believe we are on the precipice of June...the true sign of summer. Or, 4 more weeks of Stanley Cup Playoffs. Ha!

Things have been very up and down for me lately. I just wrapped a month of heavy duty volunteer work and it was honestly one of the best few weeks of my year. If you ever are in need of an energy boost...go volunteer. Seriously.

On the flip side, work has been a rocky road for months now. Hopeful and optimistic that things will turn around in June, but as my colleague says..."we need a win". So bring on June!

June's a month I've been anticipating for a while. Tomorrow, my niece is tying the knot. I'm beaming. She has the unique power of making me feel both young and old - often at the same time. This is no different. I'm so incredibly excited for her as she enters this next chapter of her life.

OK...let's get to the Linden card. As I was out running some last minute errands this afternoon, I noticed a post on Twitter (yeah...I still call it that) that made me stop to do a standard player search.

President's Choice Trading Cards, the current work of Dr. Brian Price (of what was In The Game), puts out one-off cards and small sets featuring some high-end memorabilia pieces that are definite eye-catchers. I know for a fact that he has some Linden material as he's released some cards of Trev in the past. And a quick query confirmed a new addition to the wantlist.

2023/24 President's Choice
Jumbo Memorabilia  1/1

What can I say...this is a very nice jumbo piece. Maximum room for the patch piece and I love the fact that they even threw a photo of Trev (proper era) in the corner. Man, I'm a sucker for the orange and yellow of that classic skate logo.

Speaking of...let's take a closer look at the crest. Something about the card just didn't feel right.

Yup...that's what I thought. Do you see it?

My subconscious kicked into gear and left me feeling a little "upside down". just know.

No question that the patch was accidently placed in the card upside down. I can't see it being a purposeful decision. Unfortunate.

Now, to be fair, I think this would be a very easy mistake to make. The patch used doesn't really provide an obvious "this side up" vibe.

But when the card is being slapped with a $300us price tag...I don't think it's much to ask.

Regardless, at that price, it was out of my range (I've got my eye on another gem right now). I let another Linden collector know about it and within minutes, it was snatched up.

A great looking card, don't get me wrong, but one that I'm perfectly fine not having in my collection. I've got the scan of it and that'll sit nicely as a proxy. It's nice knowing too that it's going to sit in a Linden collection.

Now...on with the bigger business at hand. A definite weekend to remember. 😎

Have you ever come across a pc-potential card that gave you second thoughts because of an upside down patch? How bad is bad?

Friday, May 3, 2024

LINDEN POSTER OF THE WEEK - Patience Pays Off...But You Better Be Quick

How long do you wait for the price to become "right"? What's the switch that flicks to make you all of the sudden go all in on a piece?

Last summer, I was dealt with just those questions...and it led to one of the more striking items to land in my collection, and with it a very cool story of a rarely discussed chapter in Linden's career.

In addition to eBay (the standard go-to for my Linden searches), I also check out some online forums, bulk card sites, Kijiji and more recently, Facebook Marketplace. 

Technically, I'm on Facebook...but I don't post. I don't follow. I buy.

And there have been some cool Linden items to pop up on the site over the past couple of years. And this is without a doubt the most exciting one that I've actually obtained.

Summer 2023 and a pretty stunning Linden poster shows up on the site ready to be sold. It looks amazing and is given a beefy price tag to match. Here's what was cast out into the lake...

How many of you can name all three of the players in this image without going to Google? I knew them right away...because I had seen this item a handful of times, but never locally. It was pretty much off the radar for me as I felt it was just too expensive to justify.

Got your guesses yet? In addition to Linden in the upper right, we have Wendel Clark on the left and Alexandre Daigle (The Chosen One) front and centre. All three wearing their World Junior getup.

Look at how young Trev looks...he was just a 17-year-old when he played in the 1988 junior tournament (the youngest player on that squad). 

And yes...that's an autograph - not a facsimile. All three of these players signed this gem of a poster.

Let's talk about the poster first before I get into how I obtained it and provide a bit of a glimpse into the 1988 tourney.

Steven Houston created this gorgeous item called 'Canadian Tradition' back in 1993. Surprisingly, I have found zero information on the item and the artist (thanks interwebs).

It looks to be watercolor and it's stamped and signed by the artist (along with the signatures of the aforementioned players).

It's also numbered to 1500 copies and is double matted and framed very nicely for show.

It's a stunner of a piece and one that I knew I had to have if I could just be patient.

It was posted with a $150 price tag.

Zero interest at that price - even with the signatures...even with the framing.

It didn't take long before the price was reduced to $100. Now my radar is full on. If the guy was willing to drop the price that much, that quick...he had to be a motivated seller.

I told myself "Fifty bucks". When it hits $50, I'll reach out to him.

Well, I'd have to wait a few weeks for the $75 tier. It was a pretty niche item so I didn't think anyone would be chasing it.

$ takers. I almost buckled, but held firm. And then....


I was shocked to wake up one morning to find that the price had been reduced to just a pair of twenty dollar bills. I near panicked as I scrambled to touch base with the seller expressing my interest.

"Across the city you say?"....I guess I'm going on a trip. 

I could not get there fast enough and whipped the forty bucks out of my pocket with not a single thought of bartering. It was more than a fair price. He simply said that he didn't want it taking up space in his house anymore.

Thank you and good night.

I had a massive grin on my face the whole way home as this piece is mint. It looked like it'd been sitting in a dust-proof box never seeing the light of day. I was floating on air.

So why Linden? Why was he chosen to be on this junior hockey print? I have no idea. He wasn't hardly a factor at all in the '88 tournament (scoring just a single goal). The team he played for was stacked with future NHLers...Sakic, Recchi, Graves, Desjardins, Fleury just to name a few. It was the year after the infamous "Punch-Up in Piestany" (again...homework time for you youngsters) and Team Canada was on a mission for they achieved.

Do I know why he was chosen to be on the print?...nope. And I could care less. I just love that he is. 

A neat side note...

In 2007, a Team Canada World Junior dvd box set was released featuring full broadcast games from seven different Team Canada offerings....including, you guessed it, the 1988 gold medal winning match. 

So I have the game that Trev played in that's featured on this poster. I think that's a pretty cool tie-in on all of it.

Now...recap. Patience is good, but when the time comes to strike - move real quick (and have cash ready to rock).

What's the longest you've waited for an item to get to your comfy place dollar-wise? Have you ever missed the boat by waiting too long? (I know I have)

Friday, April 26, 2024

LINDEN STUB OF THE WEEK - An Awesome Oddball Ticket Stub

I love oddball Linden items. Maybe it's because there's just not as many cards I'm able to find in my budgeting wheelhouse.

Or maybe because these odd relics are just super-cool.

This one popped up on ebay and I did a triple take. It looked awesome...the price was what's the catch?

Sometimes, there is none. That's a win for me.

This gem of a ticket stub comes from the 1991 Buffalo Sabres season. I don't know when teams started putting player images on tickets...but this has got to be a very early iteration. I love that it's beat up...probably shoved in a pocket back in the day. The fact that someone kept it all these years and is now selling it - that's all the better for me.

With the Smythe division rarely playing the Adams division (you young folks can now do some homework on what I'm talking about), it was pretty easy to figure out exactly what game this stub came from.

March 10th, 1991. Linden was just a kid back then. He didn't even have the captaincy at this point. Look at that photo...outstanding! And can I geek out for just a second...Section 16. C'mon.

This was an easy item to justify ringing up. Really love having a unique piece like this in with the rest of my collection.

The other thing I love about's a little taller than a tobacco card so it fits nicely into a penny sleeve and toploader. Right into the early section of my Linden cards it goes.

I like when items can live in amongst my cards. Much of my oddball stuff I have to put in separate boxes so it messes with the overall mojo. for the game itself. It was a 7-5 win for the Canucks (typical early 90's hockey). Linden with a goal and assist in the first period. Troy Gamble kept it together long enough for the win. Good times.

What's the coolest oddball item in your collection? What's an item that lives within your card collection that "just fits" in with them? 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

MY COLLECTION - Hilarious Panini Redemption

One of the more humorous hobby days I've had this past year was when I received an e-mail from Panini regarding a redemption that had shipped.

That's right....a Panini hockey redemption. A sport they no longer produce. Thing is...I haven't redeemed anything from that company is many, many years.

So it was an intriguing headline for me to click on in my e-mail inbox to say the least.

Hey...I remember that card! I remember opening a pack of Titanium back in the day and pulling that redemption. And I remember going to the website and typing in all my info.

That was well over a decade ago!

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

My interest was very high as I awaited this very important and special package to arrive. Took just a few days, but when I opened the bubble mailer...I got my second chuckle.

This is not the card I had redeemed. I guess it never got made (no's been 13 years since the product came out). So they sent me a replacement. Apparently, the Flyers are a comparable choice.

Nice hard-signed card...of a guy I have zero interest in. Not that I was overly looking forward to a Zuccarello jersey/auto either. To the trade box it goes!!

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

It gets better.

Here's another Flyer card. I've never heard of this guy.

For Panini to decide after over 12 years that these two cards would be good enough as a replacement...sure, why not. Dump the leftover product at this point.

I had given up hope years ago that I'd get anything. So something is better than nothing.


Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

So, what's the longest you've ever waited for a redemption? What's the longest you've ever waited for one to actually be dealt with?

(I feel like I've set some sort of record)  Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

PARKIE PROJECT - I cracked a couple this past year

My absolute favourite slow burn project has grown by two over the past year.

The iconic 1951/52 Parkhurst build is a true beast. Arguably, this set is seen as the birth of the modern hockey card. 105 cards in total - with a whopping 98 of them recognized as rookie cards, and it's an all-time who's who of legends. Gordie Howe, Maurice Richard, Jean Beliveau, Terry Sawchuk, Doug Harvey and Boom Boom Geoffrion to name just a few first cards.

This is a life build for me...something I don't plan on finishing for many, many years. My goal is to add a couple cards each year (if the price is right). In 2023, I did just that, but with a slight twist.

I'm building what is called a raw set - ungraded. they would've been back in the day. This set has countless examples of graded cards. Understandable, as they are ripe for counterfitting. I do my best to buy from people and places that I feel comfortable with, but at the end of the day, I just can't say for sure. 

With the two new cards I picked up, I feel pretty sure. They were both graded copies. Low grades, but still authenticated. So I did what anybody needing consistency in their set would do - I cracked them out of their cases. Sadly, I took no photos of them in their casing (headshake). Oh well.

1951/52 Parkhurst
#84 Sid Smith RC

First up, Leafs rookie Sid Smith. I like the action shot of him skating (there are a lot of cards with guys just looking like they’re floating in a stationary pose). This card has the rounded corners that I’ve come to expect with the condition I’m looking for. It's got a few blemishes on the front and back, but overall - it's clean. And no creases...something that I really strive for. Fits in the set quite well.

Sid played 12 seasons in the NHL - all with Toronto, and was their captain in 1955 and 56. He amassed 601 career games (a pretty cool achievement considering this was the Original Six era) and scored 20 or more goals in 6 consecutive of just a handful of players ever to do that (at that time).

Sid Smith is a 3-time Stanley Cup champion, was an All-Star on 3 occasions and won the Lady Byng trophy twice. Quite the resume for a guy not commonly known in the hockey world. I certainly didn't know this much about him.

When he retied in the 57/58 season, only 3 active players had scored more goals...Gordie Howe, Maurice Richard and Ted Lindsay. Now that's good company.

1951/52 Parkhurst
#95 Paul Ronty RC

Another Parkie RC, this time of Rangers centre, Paul Ronty. This card was also graded (can't remember what it received), but was quickly removed from it's clear plastic casing. Another nice action shot of Paul skating behind the net (in my eyes anyways) and I love the fine details in the photo - even if it's far from a clear picture. The tie on the sweater, the seemingly lack of padding being worn, the gloves, the skates, the flat stick blade, and blonde locks. What a great photo.

Paul Ronty was born in Toronto in 1928 after his parents immigrated to Canada from Finland in 1920. He was never a top student (he didn't learn English until he entered elementary school), but excelled on the ice. Ronty cracked the Boston Bruins lineup as a 19-year-old and was a standout for 4 years before moving on to New York where he continued his success with the Rangers for 4 more campaigns.

Paul was a top scorer in the league (he finished sixth in league scoring 3 times during his decade in the league) and was known for his stick-handling and play-making abilities. He was also a 4-time NHL All-Star. Not bad for a kid who learned to skate on a pair of "hand-me-down" figure skates from his older sister.

What I really enjoy about this Parkie set is it's a wonderful capsule of an era of hockey that I am pretty unfamiliar with. Sure, we all know the big names (and I've listed them above), but it's the guys like Smith and Ronty that really make this a fun build. These guys were the top one percent of players in the world at the time. Six teams...not nearly the bolstered rosters you see today. To crack the lineup actually meant something.

I'll continue with my trek this year. Maybe I'll add another one, two, who knows. Maybe I'll pull the trigger on a bigger name. There's plenty of time to get them all...and I'm still not quite a third of the way there.

Current Collection: 31 cards

Friday, April 19, 2024

LINDEN CARD OF THE WEEK - 23/24 Tim Horton's Greatest Duos

Happy Friday everyone. Here's a quick post on my most recent Trevor Linden pickup...a fun, inexpensive addition to the master collection. And one that's also unique to the PC.

Every April for the past decade, Tim Horton's has produced a basic hockey set that caters to all fans of the fastest game on ice - collectors or not. It's featured stars of that era and paid homage to superstars of the past. 

It is a wonderfully budget-friendly set to build, has great inserts, fantastic player selection and even provides some chase cards for those who want to go all in. Wildly popular on the product release calendar for a quite a while.

It took nine whole years for Trev to finally get a card in one of these sets (the 2022/23 offering) and I was really excited to add it to the collection. This year, he's back...and he decided to bring a friend.

2023/24 Tim Horton's Greatest Duos
#60 Trevor Linden/Markus Naslund

It's a pretty sharp-looking design this season - nothing earth-shattering. Borderless, no foil (which is a rarity) and really lets the photo shine through.

What's not too sharp on this Linden is the photo's got the blurries. Unfortunate, as I'm always up for a card with a new pic of Trev, but this just doesn't quite cut it.

Still...look at the positives. It's a new Linden for the collection and at a solid price point (traded for it). This one though doesn't have any stats on the back.

That's right, it's fellow Canucks legend (and retired jersey teammate) Markus Naslund.

I'm jealous. He's sporting the skate jersey. Would've loved that on the Linden. But, Trev gets the "front of the card" brag, so let's call it a wash.

The photo of Naslund is noticeably sharper...again, bummer for Trev. But it's the first time that these two 'mates have featured on a front & back card.

It's Timmy's. I'm just happy to have found one without having to buy 15-20 double-doubles. 

Does your player feature in the latest Tim Horton's set? What's your favourite food-issue release?

Thursday, April 18, 2024

LINDEN 'ITEM' OF THE WEEK - Book Sale Find...From A Year Ago


Hey everybody! Hope you are all doing well. As I take a quick look at my blogging stats over the past year, I can see that there's been a whopping 4 posts I've shared over the past 365 days. And you know what...I'm perfectly cool with that.

Life has dealt me some ups and downs over the past 12 months. Nothing that should induce a level of panic, just changes. Some good, some...providing a few challenges. But overall, I'm throwing out a hearty "Life is good" because you know is. I'm very grateful for where I'm at, what I have, who I know and the opportunities that are in front of me.

So blogging has been pretty much on the back burner for quite a while. Just didn't feel the vibe for it. That doesn't mean I've been away from the hobby. I still do my daily (or hourly) Linden searches online and have been excited that he still gets tossed in new products. I don't chase like I used to, but throw the darts when the time is right.

I think the big hobby love for me over the past number of months is just the people out there on blogs and social media (and at shows and trade nights) that have a real air of positivity. It's something I am strongly drawn to these days and see it in a lot of my favourite people. To them...THANK YOU! I see you and appreciate you.

So, on this final day of regular season hockey, I'm sitting down at the laptop ready to do a photo dump from my phone and build some posts to get me a little more up-to-date with where my collecting world has taken me and share some good stories.


This first post will be from a year ago ( flies). I volunteer at a huge used book sale in the city (raising funds for early literacy) and am always on the lookout for cool sports books.

I was shocked when I saw this title stare up at me from the table.

I had no idea my guy was on the cover of this instructional read. It was in pretty good shape too for being a 1997 release.

What's interesting is that there's an alternate cover - with Trev in his skate jersey. Needless to say, that's on the wantlist. :)

There have been a few oddball items that I've crossed paths with over the past year. I'm finding them to be my more favourite pickups. Especially when it's something I've not seen before.

Do you have any fun oddball items in your collection? What are they?