Sunday, September 22, 2024

LINDEN CARD OF THE WEEK - A Striking Custom Triple

Here's the final card I received in the 4-for-1 trade I made last weekend at the local monthly card show. It might be the last piece in the show & tell...but it definitely was the first one that caught my eye when checking out the showcases on the table.

I've got a real love-hate relationship with custom cards. I think they are amazing to look at, build and share. The creativity and personal expression that a custom card can bring really elevates the hobby in my opinion. There is so much talent out there and it's great to see all of the unique creations.

I absolutely hate when a price tag is associated with a custom. Especially when it's not an original piece of art. I've seen countless times where a photo, logo and even a card design is just blatantly ripped off, slapped on a new template and printed out like it's nothing. Then it's given a price tag (of any amount) and shoved out on eBay in the hopes that a sucker sees value in it. All the while, the "creator" of said custom completely ignores things like copyrights, trademarks or just common respect for other people's work. In this day and age, it's even more challenging to find true custom artists that do things "the right way".

This new Linden addition did have a price tag on it...which made me a little uncomfortable, but I knew the custom card designer and that softened the blow. It also helped that the guy trading with me obtained it via trade. In my mind, I could live with that.

For scale, this is about the size of a wood matchstick slide case and is actually a regular sized card folded up inside. The matchstick idea for presentation is really cool and it's a nice, creative step beyond your average booklet card.

Starting to unfold, you can tell that this is a triple patch piece that includes Linden. If you know your numbers, you'll guess the other two guys pretty easily.

Again, I really like the idea and execution of this particular card concept. It's hard for me to deny that it's a slick looking piece. Dare I say...striking. 

Here are the three players complete with their patch pieces. Of course, these are not authentic patches of any of the guys, they were likely taken from just a crest or an old jersey of sorts. Regardless, it provides the card a serious pop when looking at it.

I'm on the fence if I would've preferred a photo of Linden in his black jersey to match Bure and Mogilny. I do like the him a bit of a standout feel.

It was an easy addition to the trade and I am happy to have this card. Again, it is a stunner.

But I won't be officially adding this to my master checklist. I've got a couple other customs in the collection and they're more a reminder of a time period or creative custom builder. 

Still trying to conclude whether or not I'm a bit of a hypocrite. Ha ha.

At the end of the collection, my rules.

Do you have any custom cards in your collection? Have you ever paid for a custom card? What are your thoughts on custom card work?

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