Work is ridiculously busy!!!
OK - two things....
The Christmas season is upon us and yesterday I received a bit of holiday cheer in my mailbox. A simple bubble envelope with no return address. The only clue is the stamp on the package - St. John's, Newfoundland.
I opened it and found 2 packs of cards inside. One pack of 2010/11 Score and one pack of 2010/11 Upper Deck Series I.
Now I know I didn't trade or buy these, so I chalked it up to a generous donation made by someone. Thank you Secret Santa! The gesture is very much appreciated.
So, I'm sure you're interested in what I got. So here goes.

Let's open the Score pack first. We've all seen these cards by now. Everyone it seems has cracked a pack or done a box break. Let's hope for something good.

Here's the first dose of base cards. Nothing to write home about. What was of interest to me was the back of one of the cards. Take a look.

Could we waste any more perfectly good white space on the back of a card? B-rutal! Definitely an oversight on the design front.

I really like the Semin card. Great depth...he looks like he's kicking dust in those Panthers' faces. The Brodeur....kind of a lame photo for such a historic record breaking moment.

It's the glossy card in the me.

This insert kind of confused me. It comes from the Playoff Heroes insert set, yet the photo comes from the Winter Classic game. As my niece would say - FAIL!

On to the Upper Deck Series I pack. I have enjoyed seeing the cards pulled so far from this product. The photography looks really good. An exciting pack break.

A nice start on the base cards. Nice photos indeed. I like the design this year too. The past few years UD has been a bit of a bust design-wise for me. This one has a simple feel that I like.

Dude! Are you serious! I guess it can get worse. That almost ruins all the good stuff on the front of the card.
Maybe I should draw a picture or something. How about write out my complaint and send the card back to quality control.

Oooohhhhhh. These cards, not so nice. I appreciate the attempt on some, but the end result just don't do it for me. The Streit card looks like it's almost out of focus (poor photo quality). Cogliano is just lost in the hallway. No contrast.

A bit of redemption here. Great looking action photo. The horizontal design works great for me. Nice.
Let's hope for a good finish.

Cool! One of the retro design cards. I've heard many people talk about the flimsy card stock these are printed on. Yup, it is. Don't like it. It's also a weird off-white color. Dull is the word.
And that goes for the player too. :(
Well, there you have it. My two pack Secret Santa break. In the end how can I complain. It didn't cost me a single thing for these cards and it was an extremely kind gesture from someone out there in the hobby world.
Over the past year, I have had a few of these instances and I appreciate and thank everyone who has made collecting cards for me more enjoyable. Your generosity is infectious and your efforts did not go unnoticed.
Oh, yeah, there was one more card in my package. It sums it all up....

Thanks again!
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