Friday, July 26, 2024

LINDEN CARD OF THE WEEK - Almost 30 Years And I've Never Seen This Card

My latest Linden card that came in the mail today represents everything I love about this hobby and where I'm at with it in my journey.

I've been a player collector for around 30 years - same guy throughout - and I'm holding on to a card right now that I've never seen, nor did I know even existed. This card is likely an afterthought for most of the modern day hobbyists, but for me is a true reminder that patience and the continuous search for any new possibilities is something to keep at the forefront. I cannot believe I have it and I have a huge smile on my face at the excitement of it. Lastly, for a measly dollar...that's right, a buck, I found what is probably going to be my favourite Linden card of the year. 

To pay the ridiculous eBay shipping cost to Canada...on this card, gladly.

So let's get straight to the reveal and then we can break it down. Because I have questions. :)

1997/98 Donruss Canadian Ice
#32 Provincial Series Player's Club

Doesn't look like much, eh? It's a nice, foily card from the mid-90's. What's the big deal?

I'll get to the 'Player's Club' aspect of it soon. But first, let's just talk about the Provincial Series set.

So on my master checklist (which I have been crafting and building and revising and adding to for decades) this card has had the designation **MIGHT NOT EXIST** by it. I can't even remember why I initially added that note (it's been so long). But I can say that for a card that should have 750 copies...I've never seen a single one. Ever.

This is part of the 1997/98 Donruss Canadian Ice set. It's got the regular, dare I say "junk wax" era base card, a Dominion Series parallel that is red and then a Provincial Series parallel /750. There is also a Dominion Series Gold...but I don't know if Linden has one of those either (I doubt it).

In a quick online search this afternoon, I was easily able to find a picture of all other cards in the Provincial Series set (150 cards)...except Linden. So why was he not included?

It is what it is...I'm fine not having a copy if it doesn't exist, but it just makes me wonder.

So you can imagine my double take when I saw the above copy surface. I knew I needed it. But was completely baffled at what I was seeing.

Especially when I saw the back. That 'Player's Club' stamp at the bottom of the card had me scratching my head even more.

This is definitely not part of the 150-card Provincial Series set. It's a promo card of sorts...and how many copies exist? I've no clue.

But this was the easiest, and luckiest, purchase I've made in years. I still can't believe it popped up on eBay for just a dollar.

So let's take a closer look at the 'Player's Club' stamp...because it is not unique to my Linden collection.

I've seen this particular stamp before...and even have another card with it.

That said, the origins of this 'Player's Club' and where it has been used is something I've got no information on.

And there doesn't seem to be much online on the topic either.

Here's the other card I have. It's from the same year, but it's the Pinnacle Totally Certified Platinum Blue offering.

Did Donruss and Pinnacle have a connection in the mid-90's? I honestly don't know.

But as you can see, the stamp is identical. Same font and everything. 

On this card, it's stamped directly on the back of the card. With the Provincial Series's got a surface that the lettering was applied to (you can see the top and bottom of it in the photo if you go back and look). Kind of like a super-thin piece of tape.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if I solve these unknowns. I just love the fact that I've found a new card for my master list - and was able to obtain it for a super-cheap price.

A goosebump moment for sure. Something that will never grow old...made me feel like a kid today.

Have you ever unearthed a unknown for your player collection (or any collection for that matter)? How old was that discovery? How did you feel when you learned of the card?


  1. Amazing! I have the complete set numbered to 750 except for Trevor. Been a saved search on eBay for over a decade. Saw it pop up once, bought it, but had the seller message me saying they couldn’t find the card. Don’t think there was a picture. Always wondered why it doesn’t seem to exist.

    1. I actually dismissed that I'd ever find a copy...I was that far gone. So I was SHOCKED to see this. I'm completely baffled as to why he was not a part of the /750 set. Had to have been a mixup in the printing. I can't see it being on purpose.
