Monday, July 22, 2024


Quick show & tell post to wrap up my card show finds from last April. Ha ha...I gotta laugh at myself for that sentence.

So, same table as the Hamilton Canucks pamphlet I shared a few days ago. Digging away, and once again I caught a fleeting image of a Cooper helmet and the number 16. Stop.....Rewind.

Again, I managed to unearth something that my eyes have never seen before...

This is the Canucks program from the opening game of the 1991/92 season. I have a few other gameday magazines in my collection...but it's not something I go all-in to chase (when I find one, I consider it). This particular edition...I considered.

So, does anyone know the significance of October 4th, 1991?

It was the very first regular season game in San Jose Sharks history. They just happened to play the Canucks in Vancouver. I had no idea that they put Linden on the cover. In all my years I've never even seen a copy of this program (not that I was actively looking). But this find had me interested.

Unlike the pamphlet, it was priced with the "importance of the event" in mind ( wasn't $4). It was a heck of a lot more...$30. Did I need this program? Not a chance. It's not on my master list and I don't consider it a "must have" in terms of my collection. Would I like to have it? You bet. But it's got to be for the right price.

I knew I wouldn't be able to talk the price down too much. "It's a significant event." Sure...but it's also been sitting in a box for who knows how long without being sold. I decided to bundle it with the pamphlet and was pretty sure I'd get the seller to bite. In fact, I dug around to find an additional item to pull the favor my way just a little bit more. It was another pamphlet...a WHA offering...with a slick looking goalie mask on the cover. I'll share that one down the road.

The vendor tried to counter, but I was firm on my offer. I told him that the Linden pamphlet was guaranteed to come home with me...but the program was one I'd be happy to put back and walk away. I think he realized that it was a take it or leave it situation. He took it.

So it's another cool item for the Linden collection. One that I've never come across until this year. It seems to be a trend. Fingers crossed, but I've got a couple cards on their way that has me extremely excited. Cardboard that is 25...30 years old and has completely eluded me all these years (in both instances...I just found out they existed).

Stay tuned.

Oh, Vancouver won 4-3. First goal in San Jose Sharks history?....Craig Coxe (never would've guessed that one).

Do you have any significant, dated items in your player collection? Something that commemorates an event or special date? Was it a "must have" for your collection?


  1. Very cool item. I didn't know the Sharks played the Canucks in their first game... but I did know that Coxe scored the first goal in franchise history.

    As for dated items in my collection... I have a few sports programs (my biggest is probably the 1982 Big Game between Cal & Stanford that featured The Play) and ticket stubs (my favorite is Gwynn's 3,000th hit ticket).

    1. Ticket stubs…yes. What a great game to have that stub from too.

      I also have a couple magazines and such from the week of my birth (Muhammad Ali was on the cover of Sports Illustrated the week I was born).
